Tutorial with example
In this video we will go through how to calculate averages using DAX. It might seem an easy task, but you will be surprised!
Download example file:
Link to demo file here.
The AVERAGEX function enables you to evaluate expressions for each row of a table, and then take the resulting set of values and calculate its arithmetic mean. Therefore, the function takes a table as its first argument, and an expression as the second argument.
In all other respects, AVERAGEX follows the same rules as AVERAGE. You cannot include non-numeric or null cells. Both the table and expression arguments are required.
When there are no rows to aggregate, the function returns a blank. When there are rows, but none of them meet the specified criteria, then the function returns 0.
Jajaja, me di cuenta e intente cambiar el nombre pero no me dejaba! 🙂
Hola Raquel, tus videos y pagina son sencillamente fantasticos, me compre un libro de DAX y me costaba un poco seguirlo hasta que encontre tus videos. Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo
Hola Antonio!
Muchas gracias, ya se lo diré a Raquel 😉
I really like this website. Very user friendly interface. Thank You!!