Tutorial with example
In today’s video we are going through the DAX function KEEPFILTERS.
KEEPFILTERS will remove the behaviour that CALCULATE has where it removes the filters available.
KEEPFILTERS and FILTER behaves quite similar, so the question is: when should you use them. You will find out at the end of the video.

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Related video on calculate:

You use KEEPFILTERS within the context CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functions, to override the standard behavior of those functions.
By default, filter arguments s in functions such as CALCULATE are used as the context for evaluating the expression, and as such filter arguments for CALCULATE replace all existing filters over the same columns. The new context effected by the filter argument for CALCULATE affects only existing filters on columns mentioned as part of the filter argument. Filters on columns other than those mentioned in the arguments of CALCULATE or other related functions remain in effect and unaltered.
The KEEPFILTERS function allows you to modify this behavior. When you use KEEPFILTERS, any existing filters in the current context are compared with the columns in the filter arguments, and the intersection of those arguments is used as the context for evaluating the expression. The net effect over any one column is that both sets of arguments apply: both the filter arguments used in CALCULATE and the filters in the arguments of the KEEPFILTER function. In other words, whereas CALCULATE filters replace the current context, KEEPFILTERS adds filters to the current context.
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