Tutorial with example
MINUTE function returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59, given a date and time value.
In this video, I am going to show your how to calculate how late are your employees and how much would you discount of the payroll if you had a 2$ fee for each 15 min late using among others MINUTE function.
03:00 Calculate how many minutes or hours and employee is late with DATEDIFF function
05:00 Calculate how many 15 minutes interval he is late : QUOTIENT function
10:00 Extract minutes from a time column in DAX: TIMEVALUE and MINUTE funcitons
12:00 Extract decimals from a number with MOD function
13:20 Convert a number to a logical function : true or false with INT function
14:00 Calculate payroll fee if employee is late

Download example files:
Download the pbix and excel file here.
In contrast to Microsoft Excel, which stores dates and times in a serial numeric format, DAX uses a datetime data type for dates and times. You can provide the datetime value to the MINUTE function by referencing a column that stores dates and times, by using a date/time function, or by using an expression that returns a date and time.
When the datetime argument is a text representation of the date and time, the function uses the locale and date/time settings of the client computer to understand the text value in order to perform the conversion. Most locales use the colon (:) as the time separator and any input text using colons as time separators will parse correctly. Verify your locale settings to understand your results.
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