SUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…)
Tutorial with example
Learn how to use the function SUMMARIZE in DAX/ Powerpivot.
The function SUMMARIZE can return a summary of sales grouped around the calendar year and the product category name, this result table allows you to do analysis over the re-seller sales by year and product category.
Northwind data source:…

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1. Go to Curbal Download Center > Dax Fridays
2. Get File #14
- Each column for which you define a name must have a corresponding expression; otherwise, an error is returned. The first argument, name, defines the name of the column in the results. The second argument, expression, defines the calculation performed to obtain the value for each row in that column.
- groupBy_columnName must be either in table or in a related table to table.
- Each name must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
- The function groups a selected set of rows into a set of summary rows by the values of one or more groupBy_columnName columns. One row is returned for each group.
Exercise 2: Create virtual tables
In this video I will show you how you create virtual tables in DAX to do calculations on them.
Exercise 3: More virtual tables exercise
In today’s video I will show you how to create virtual tables to make more advanced calculations using ADDCOLUMNS and SUMMARIZE.
Download example files:
To get the files:
1. Go to Curbal Download Center > Dax Fridays
2. Get File #143
Thank you so much for your great videos!
My pleasure! 🙂