20 tricks to finally master the Matrix visualization in Power BI
The matrix visualization has over 100 configuration options, and some of the most basic functionality, like hiding subtotals is not so easy to discover. In today’s video, I will show you 20 things you can do on the matrix that will take that visualization to the next level.
Table of contents:
Style Options:
00:00 20 Matrix secrets in Power BI
01:00 Quickly change the look and feel on the matrix
01:40 Quickly change text size
02:30 Collapse menu items
02:50 Center values, headers, etc..
Column Headers:
04:09 Disable auto-sizing on columns Row Headers:
04:30 Add +/- on rows
05:13 Show rows as columns (stepped layout)
06:19 Show values on rows 06:50 Banded row style
Subtotals/Grand totals:
07:50 Get rid of subtotals, but keep grand totals
08:10 Show only Grand totals
08:50 Show only Subtotals
09:11 Change the grand/sub total label
09:20 Change position of subtotals and grand totals
Field formatting:
09:50 Change field formatting
10:20 Apply field formatting, and alignment to grand totals
10:50 Apply field formatting, and alignment to headers
Conditional formatting:
11:09 Conditional format columns
11:23 Add KPI icons to matrix
Watch the tutorial:

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