
78 of 100: Circle area chart in matplotlib

At the beginning of the year I challenged myself to create all 100 visualizations using python and matplotlib from the 1 dataset,100 visualizations project and I am sharing with you the code for all the visualizations.

Note: Data Viz Project is copyright Ferdio and available under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International license. I asked Ferdio and they told me they used a Design tool to create all the plots.


There are a ton of improvements that can be made on the code, so let me know in the comments any improvements you make and I will update the post accordingly!

This is the original viz that we are trying to recreate in matplotlib:

Import the packages

We will need the following packages:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Generate the data

We could actually go from numpy to matplotlib, but most data projects use pandas to transform the data, so I am using a pandas dataframe as the starting point.

data = {
    "year": [2004, 2022, 2004, 2022, 2004, 2022],
    "countries" : [ "Denmark", "Denmark", "Norway", "Norway","Sweden", "Sweden",],
    "sites": [4,10,5,8,13,15]
df= pd.DataFrame(data)

We need to create the subtotals for each year, the colors and then sort the data.

df = df.sort_values(['countries' ,'year' ], ascending=True ).reset_index(drop=True)
df['sub_total'] = df.groupby('year')['sites'].transform('sum')
df['colors'] = ["#CC5A43","#CC5A43","#2C324F","#2C324F","#5375D4","#5375D4"]

Plot the chart

class BubbleChart:
    def __init__(self, area, bubble_spacing=0):
        Setup for bubble collapse.

        area : array-like
            Area of the bubbles.
        bubble_spacing : float, default: 0
            Minimal spacing between bubbles after collapsing.

        If "area" is sorted, the results might look weird.
        area = np.asarray(area)
        r = np.sqrt(area / np.pi)

        self.bubble_spacing = bubble_spacing
        self.bubbles = np.ones((len(area), 4))
        self.bubbles[:, 2] = r
        self.bubbles[:, 3] = area
        self.maxstep = 2 * self.bubbles[:, 2].max() + self.bubble_spacing
        self.step_dist = self.maxstep / 2

        # calculate initial grid layout for bubbles
        length = np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(self.bubbles)))
        grid = np.arange(length) * self.maxstep
        gx, gy = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
        self.bubbles[:, 0] = gx.flatten()[:len(self.bubbles)]
        self.bubbles[:, 1] = gy.flatten()[:len(self.bubbles)] = self.center_of_mass()

    def center_of_mass(self):
        return np.average(
            self.bubbles[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.bubbles[:, 3]

    def center_distance(self, bubble, bubbles):
        return np.hypot(bubble[0] - bubbles[:, 0],
                        bubble[1] - bubbles[:, 1])

    def outline_distance(self, bubble, bubbles):
        center_distance = self.center_distance(bubble, bubbles)
        return center_distance - bubble[2] - \
            bubbles[:, 2] - self.bubble_spacing

    def check_collisions(self, bubble, bubbles):
        distance = self.outline_distance(bubble, bubbles)
        return len(distance[distance < 0])

    def collides_with(self, bubble, bubbles):
        distance = self.outline_distance(bubble, bubbles)
        return np.argmin(distance, keepdims=True)

    def collapse(self, n_iterations=50):
        Move bubbles to the center of mass.

        n_iterations : int, default: 50
            Number of moves to perform.
        for _i in range(n_iterations):
            moves = 0
            for i in range(len(self.bubbles)):
                rest_bub = np.delete(self.bubbles, i, 0)
                # try to move directly towards the center of mass
                # direction vector from bubble to the center of mass
                dir_vec = - self.bubbles[i, :2]

                # shorten direction vector to have length of 1
                dir_vec = dir_vec / np.sqrt(

                # calculate new bubble position
                new_point = self.bubbles[i, :2] + dir_vec * self.step_dist
                new_bubble = np.append(new_point, self.bubbles[i, 2:4])

                # check whether new bubble collides with other bubbles
                if not self.check_collisions(new_bubble, rest_bub):
                    self.bubbles[i, :] = new_bubble
           = self.center_of_mass()
                    moves += 1
                    # try to move around a bubble that you collide with
                    # find colliding bubble
                    for colliding in self.collides_with(new_bubble, rest_bub):
                        # calculate direction vector
                        dir_vec = rest_bub[colliding, :2] - self.bubbles[i, :2]
                        dir_vec = dir_vec / np.sqrt(
                        # calculate orthogonal vector
                        orth = np.array([dir_vec[1], -dir_vec[0]])
                        # test which direction to go
                        new_point1 = (self.bubbles[i, :2] + orth *
                        new_point2 = (self.bubbles[i, :2] - orth *
                        dist1 = self.center_distance(
                  , np.array([new_point1]))
                        dist2 = self.center_distance(
                  , np.array([new_point2]))
                        new_point = new_point1 if dist1 < dist2 else new_point2
                        new_bubble = np.append(new_point, self.bubbles[i, 2:4])
                        if not self.check_collisions(new_bubble, rest_bub):
                            self.bubbles[i, :] = new_bubble
                   = self.center_of_mass()

            if moves / len(self.bubbles) < 0.1:
                self.step_dist = self.step_dist / 2

    def plot(self, ax, labels, colors):
        Draw the bubble plot.

        ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        labels : list
            Labels of the bubbles.
        colors : list
            Colors of the bubbles.
        for i in range(len(self.bubbles)):
            circ = plt.Circle(
                self.bubbles[i, :2], self.bubbles[i, 2], color=colors[i])
            ax.text(*self.bubbles[i, :2], labels[i], color = "w",
                    horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')

years = df.year
sites = df.sites
sub_totals = df.sub_total.unique()
y_titles = [1.35,1.2]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols= 2, sharex=True, subplot_kw=dict(aspect="equal"))

x_coord_circles =[0.4,0.5]
for year, y_title, x_coord_circle, sub_total, ax in zip(years, y_titles,x_coord_circles, sub_totals, axes.ravel()):

    sites = df[df.year==year]['sites'].values
    colors = df[df.year==year]['colors'].values
    ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((x_coord_circle, 0.5), 0.6, alpha=0.5, fc= "w",
                 linewidth=3, ls= "dotted", color="#E8EBEC", transform= ax.transAxes,clip_on=False))
    bubble_chart = BubbleChart(area=sites,

    bubble_chart.plot( ax, sites, colors)
    ax.set_title(year, y= y_title, weight = "bold")

#add legend
lines = [Line2D([0], [0], color=c,  marker='o',linestyle='', markersize=10,) for c in colors]
labels = df.countries.unique().tolist()
plt.legend(lines, labels,
           bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, -0.8), loc="lower center",
            ncols = 3,frameon=False, fontsize= 10)

The result:

Stacked bar chart in matplotlib
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