A cleaner way to import files from a SharePoint folder with a Power Query function
Import files from SharePoint folder with Power Query into Power BI In today’s video, I am going to show you how to import files that are stored in a SharePoint folder or library in Power BI using Power Query.
To do that we will create a function that cleans a typical file and then reuse that function to apply to any existing or new file added to the library.
Table of contents:
00:00 Intro
00:50 Get data from sharepoint online list
01:18 Error when connecting power query to sharepoint list
02:00 Change Sharepoint.Tables to Sharepoint.Files
02:20 Clean excel file from sharepoint
03:20 Create a function to clean excel files in sharepoint
06:00 Add function to all files in sharepoint
07:00 Add additional files to test function in sharepoint
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