Deep dive on M intellisense – *unedited version*
Feeling confused on how M intellisense work and how it can help you write M code faster?
In this tutorial, I go through how M intellisense works, the good, the great and the “needs improvement”. I have not edited out my mistakes so you get a true sense on how it can be to work with M intellisense.
I know some of you don’t like heavy unedited videos, so you might want to skip this one: you have been warned 😉
Table of contents:
00:00 Intro
00:25 What is intellisense?
01:50 Show the sample data
02:00 M intellisense in Custom column
02:40 Show available functions
03:00 Text explanation of the function
03:26 (small rant)
04:20 Start writing the function
04:35 What tab does and does not in M
05:36 M intellisense in advance editor
05:53 Tabbing in the advance editor
07:34 Each error in Power Query
08:37 Issues when tabbing functions
09:42 Issues calling intellisense
10:30 Trying to read a function description
13:13 Fixing misspelled functions
14:30 Another example
16:30 Finding & fixing errors
Watch the tutorial:

I love the way you explain. Very humane and full of humour.