Eurostat population in Power BI
Have you ever wanted to get data about Europe in Power BI to boost your market research? Population in Europe, Age and gender, income levels, employment levels, all this is available for you if you connect to Eurostats API.
In this video I will show you how the API works and in the next we will build a report using Power BI.
Table of contents:
Part 1: How the Eurostat API works
Part 2: Get Eurostat data in power bi
Part 3: Crude Population change calculation
Watch the tutorial:

Decompress gzip files using Power BI and get access to EUROSTAT @EU_Eurostat data.

[Eurostat 1/1] Get Europe's data in Power BI with Eurostat API – @EU_Eurostat

[Eurostat 1/2] Get Population Growth into Power BI from Eurostat API

DAX Fridays #190 [Eurostat 1/3]: Year Over Year population change in Europe with Eurostat API

Easiest way to get eurostat data in Power BI

Eurostat data in Power BI with a few clicks (and it auto-refreshes!)

Links to the mentioned resources
1. Eurostat Databases
2. Eurostat API docs
3. Eurostat Query builder
4. Eurostat maps
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