
Export Power BI data to Excel / CSV (NO row limits – no headers)

On a previous video I showed you how to batch the Power BI exports so you don’t hit the Power Automate limit of 100k rows but while looping through the data, the headers for each loop where saved too.

In this video I will show you how to get rid of the headers.

Watch the tutorial on YouTube

Export data from Power BI - No limits -No headers

The code

As Ratnakar jv explained in the comments, on the “Do until Loop” step , find the step “Append to string variable” and replace the code to this:

if(equals(variables('LoopsVar'), 2), body('Create_CSV_Table'), join(skip(split(body('Create_CSV_Table'), decodeUriComponent('%0A')),1), decodeUriComponent('%0A')))

More tips and tricks on exporting data

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