How much does Power BI cost?
Well before we talk about cost we need to talk about licenses because there are different types of licenses in Power BI.
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Links to the mentioned resources
And here you have the entire course:

Introduction to Power BI course, every Thursday here on the channel

Lesson 0: High Level introduction to Power BI – Power BI 101

Lesson 1: What is Power BI? – Power 101

Lesson 2: The four Pillars of Power Bi – Power BI 101

Lesson 3: Intro to Power BI Desktop – Power BI 101

Lesson 4: Power BI Desktop Main Components – Power BI 101

Lesson 5: Intro to Power BI Service – Power BI 101

Lesson 6: Amazing Power BI Mobile features 📱- Power BI 101

Lesson 7: Intro to Power BI for developers – Power BI 101

Lesson 8: Power BI for the data scientist – Power BI 101

Lesson 9: Typical Power BI Workflow – Power BI 101

Lesson 10: Demonstration of how Power BI works

Lesson 11: Power Bi Use Case examples

Lesson 12: How much does Power BI cost?

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