Tables in matplotlib
In this tutorial I will show you how to create Tables using Python and Matplotlib. In this tutorial I will show you how to create Radar charts using Python and Matplotlib. For more matplotlib charts, check out the gallery:

Important notes:
1. This are my personal notes, so apologies if some explanations and notations are missing.
Tables in matplotlib
Click on the links to go to the specific tutorials:

Create a colored table in matplotlib
Import the libraries
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Define the columns and cells
columns =["Number of \n Characters", "Numbers only", "Lowercase \nLetters","Upper and \nLowercase Letters", "Numbers, \nUpper and \nLowercase Letters", "Numbers, \nUpper and \nLowercase Letters, \nSymbols"]
noc = list(range(1,16))
no = ["Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "2 secs", "19 secs", "3 mins", "32 mins", "5 hours", "2 days", "3 weeks"]
lc =["Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "10 secs", "4 mins", "2 hours", "2 days", "2 months", "4 years", "100 years", "3k years", "69k years", "2m years"]
ual = ["Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "2 secs", "2 mins", "1 hour", "3 days", "5 months", "24 years", "1 k years", "64k years", "3m years", "173m years", "9bn years", "467bn years"]
nual =["Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "7 secs", "7 mins", "7 hours", "3 weeks", "3 years", "200 years", "12k years", "750k years", "46m years", "3bn years", "179bn years", "11 tn years"]
nuals =["Instantly", "Instantly", "Instantly", "31 secs", "39 mins", "2 days", "5 months", "34 years", "3k years", "202k years", "16m years", "1 bn years", "92bn years", "7tn years", "438tn years"]
cells = np.column_stack((noc, no,lc,ual,nual,nuals))
#Lets create now the correct colored list
c_noc = np.repeat(['#858893'], [15])
c_no = np.repeat(['#7E539D','#BA2C36', ], [8, 7])
c_lc = np.repeat(['#7E539D','#BA2C36', '#D8862F', '#E8B532','#66AA56'], [5, 4, 1, 1, 4])
c_ual = np.repeat(['#7E539D','#BA2C36', '#D8862F', '#E8B532','#66AA56' ], [3, 4, 1, 1, 6])
c_nual = np.repeat(['#7E539D','#BA2C36', '#E8B532','#66AA56' ], [3, 4, 1, 7])
c_nuals = np.repeat(['#7E539D','#BA2C36', '#D8862F', '#E8B532','#66AA56' ], [3, 3, 1, 1, 7])
cell_col = np.column_stack((c_noc, c_no, c_lc, c_ual, c_nual, c_nuals))
Define the annotations
font= "Raleway"
def annotations(ax):
# Set source text
# Add in title and subtitle
ax.text(x=0.1, y=1.1,
s="Time it takes to brute force a password", #title of the plot
fontname= font,
transform=fig.transFigure, #set the coordinate system to 0-1 to pass the postition
color= "#000000",
ha='left', fontsize=14, weight='bold', alpha=.8)
ax.text(x=0.1, y=1.06,
s="Time it would take a computer to crack your password with the following paramets.", #Subtitle
fontname= font,
color= "#181818",
ha='left', fontsize=8, alpha=.8)
ax.text(x=0.1, y=-0.1,
s="""Data: Statista\nCoded by: Ruth Pozuelo Martinez -\nDesign: Statista""", #footnote
fontname= font,
ha='left', fontsize=6, alpha=.7)
Plot the chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,
figsize=(9,5), dpi=130, #specify the size of the plot
facecolor="white") #set a background color
tab = ax.table(cellText=cells, #values on the rows
colLabels=columns, #header values
colColours = ["#303546"] * 10, #column header color
cellColours = cell_col ,
cellLoc="center", #align the cell text to the left
rowLoc= "right", #Column headers alignment
loc='center') #location of the figure
#Iterate through all the cells in the table to:
cellDict = tab.get_celld()
for i in range(0,len(columns)):
cellDict[(0,i)].set_height(.08) #header height
cellDict[(0,i)].get_text().set_color('white') #header font color
for j in range(1,len(cells)+1):
cellDict[(j,i)].set_height(.05) #row height
cellDict[(j,i)].get_text().set_color('white') #cell font color
# iterate through cells of a table
table_cells ='child_artists')
ax.set_axis_off() #get rid of the axxes figure
tab.scale(1, 1.6) #add padding
#turn off the auto set text so you can set the font size

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