What is a Power BI dataflow? A deep dive on Dataflows for Power BI
Confused about what Dataflows for Power BI are? Don’t worry, grab a cup of coffee and join me while I go through Microsoft’s Dataflows whitepaper.
Table of contents:
Here are the keynotes for the video:
1. What is a Dataflow?
2. The self-service data preparation revolution
3. Power Query Shortcomings
4. Dataflows vs Excel
5. Dataflows for the Business Analyst
6. Key Dataflow’s features
7. The Dataflow calculation Engine
8. Dataflows and the Data Lake
9. Connect Azure Services with Data Lake
10. Security
11. Dataflows: Pro vs Premium
12. Dataflows: The roadmap
Watch the tutorial:

Links to the mentioned resources
Download the whitepaper:
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