Do you need help or inspiration on creating Power BI reports? Check my Data Stories Gallery.’
RFM customer segmentation analysis
This Power BI report uses RFM marketing technique to quantitatively rank and group customers based on the recency, frequency and monetary total of their recent transactions to identify the best customers and perform targeted marketing campaigns.
Source: Amazon data
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: None
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) report
This Google Analytics 4 Dashboard Report Template for Power BI helps you to visualize your own GA4 data in Power BI in a few clicks.
Source: Google Analytics
External connector:
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: None
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Power BI salaries in the US
This Power BI report shows Power BI salaries across the US. The report uses real data obtained from one of the biggest job sites in the US.
Source: Data from Bright data
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: Charticulator
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Population in Europe (UN data)
This Power BI report shows the population projection made by the UN and the population changes in Europe.
Sources: Official data from UN API
Updates: Daily refreshes in Power BI service
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: None
Want to learn how to create this? Check out the course below:
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Democracy Tracker
This Power BI report tracks the democracy status across the world.
Source: The Freedom House
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: Charticulator
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

COVID Tracker for the Pacific Islands
This Power BI report was created during the pandemic to track COVID infections in the Pacific Islands.
Source: Official data from Pacific Stat site
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: None
If you want to learn how to create this report, there is a course tutorial for it here:
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

The income journey in Stockholm, Sweden
This Power BI report maps the income by subway station in Stockholm, Sweden.
Source: Stockholms stads data and Samtrafiken GTFS data
Updates: Manually
Visualization tool: Power BI
Visual used: Azure Maps
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

The social media Tracker
This Power BI report tracks the number of subscribers in different social media accounts.
Source: Funnel social media connectors
Updates: Daily (not connected anymore)
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: Charticulator
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

The Sports Tracker
This Power BI report tracks the results of football/soccer leagues.
Source: API
Updates: Daily
Visualization tool: Power BI
Custom visual: None
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Garmin Connect Tracker
This Power BI report tracks all the activities recorded by my Garmin watch.
Source: Garmin Connect Website – Downloaded csv
Updates: Manually
Visualization tool: Power BI
Visuals used: Stacked bar and charticulator
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

This Power BI report shows different infographics that can be created in Power BI.
Source: Infographic Designer Demo data
Updates: Manually
Visualization tool: Power BI
Visuals used: Infographic designer custom visual
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.

Infographics – Geographical data
This Power BI report shows how to do infographics with geographical data in Power BI.
Source: Northwind Dataset
Updates: Daily
Visualization tool: Power BI
Visuals used: Icon Map
To see the report live click here or click on the thumbnail.