Exercise file name:
About this lesson:
In this video I am going to show you around, so it is as easy as possible to get started.
First of all, congratulations for taking the course, this is an investment in your future. This is how it works, you’ve got a link from YouTube or maybe you came here through the courses pages and you’ve come here to the Power Query online training for beginners. Now you want know, how do I do this? Let me show you! First you will see an introduction video and all the videos, I think, have English captions so you can turn them on. Let me know in case you don’t want to have the captions because that is a lot of work, I am doing them for you! You have the possibility to do fullscreen on the video, in case you want that, and then you just play them and put the captions on if you want. So you will be able to pause and see the videos at your own time.
Once you log in and purchase the course you will see a transcript on the video, I’m going to show you that, but if you scroll down you will see all the modules that we have available for this course: introduction to Power Query, connect to data sources so there are modules and then there are lessons and we have over 50 lessons for you to learn Power Query and then here at the end we have a Final Exam, I’ll talk about that in a second. If you want to preview the course, just go here, the ones that it says preview you can actually go watch. Again you can put captions on, you can do fullscreen and then here you see that you have the transcript of the video in case you want to read. If it’s easier for you to read or I talk too fast so that will be available for you. And then you can navigate here to the next lesson so or you have them here too so you can go and navigate through the lessons on this menu here. The ones that are locked for purchase, you’ll see that and then it will take you to the first page so you can actually purchase the course.
How you do you purchase the course?
You just click on here, it has been added to your cart , view cart, and then it says proceed to checkout. If you are a returning customer, that means if you are a remember of Curbal website, you already have a login so, just log in, otherwise fill the information down below. We have an account so we are going to log in so you see how it works. Log in, there we go, and now it will allow you to put in your details. If you have a VAT number for European company just write it in. Once you have completed everything, just place the order and you are ready to go and to start learning! For every course, there are download materials and the download materials will be available on the download center. They are not available yet, because this has not launched yet so I haven’t put it there, but you will see here that it says: courses download center and then once you are logged in and you have purchased the course you will be able to see all the download materials.
What else to say about the course ?
There is a final exam and It is around 31 questions and if you get 90% of those right you can issue a fancy certificate for the course. I don’t think the questions are like super difficult, but you have to pay attention. Prove your Power Query mastery to see if the course was useful for you and if you actually you picked up new concept. I’m looking forward to see how that goes. Anything else just let me know, I think these are the basics for how to get started with the course so: Happy Learning!