Exercise file name:
Content from the official Reference guide
The let expression allows a set of values to be computed, assigned names, and then used in a subsequent expression that follows the in. For example, in our sales data example, we could do:
Sales2007 =
Year = 2007,
FirstHalf = 1000,
SecondHalf = 1100,
Total = FirstHalf + SecondHalf // 2100
Sales2008 =
Year = 2008,
FirstHalf = 1200,
SecondHalf = 1300,
Total = FirstHalf + SecondHalf // 2500
in Sales2007[Total] + Sales2008[Total] // 4600
The result of the above expression is a number value (4600) which was computed from the values bound to the names Sales2007 and Sales2008.
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