Introduction to Power BI – FREE Online course

The four Pillars of Power BI


Now that you know what Power BI is, let’s talk about the four main components that you have in Power BI that makes it so so powerful.

The first component I want to talk about is Power BI Desktop.

Power BI Desktop is a program that you download and install and is completely free. We will talk about Power BI cost later on, but this is something that anybody has access to and this is the tool that business users and analysts will use to create Power BI reports to extract the insights out of your data, to do some data exploration and analysis.

Once you have created your Power BI reports then of course you want to share them with your colleagues, right? or with your business associates or with your partners.
So what you do, is you take your Power BI desktop reports and you publish them to Power BI online.

Power BI online is also called Power BI service and is the cloud version of Power BI.
If your business is not allowed to have a cloud services yet don’t worry because there is Power BI report server where you can publish your reports there and everything is within your firewalls, it stays in your intranet.
So, if you can have cloud services, use Power BI service otherwise you have Power BI report server to see your reports and share them with your colleagues.

Now, if you have published you report to Power BI service you can see them on any device. You can see them on iOS platform, Android platform on Windows platform. On iPhones and tablets.
And all those apps are available for free on its respective store so you can have access to your reports anywhere, everywhere you are. It is absolutely fantastic!

The last component of Power BI is Power BI for developers and this is the part where it allows you to configure Power BI to suit your needs, your specific needs.
Some example things you can do for Power BI for developers are: you can embed your Power BI report into your intranet, for example, so you can take your Power BI reports and move them somewhere else out of the Power BI system.
Another thing that you can do: you can create custom visuals so if you have specific visuals that your organization just love, you can create them yourself; and another thing that you can do is create your custom connectors so if you have data sources where there is no connector in just yet, you can code your own.

Absolutely fantastic, isn’t it?

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